From 13 – 15 September 2019 we at the Multimedia Department at the University of Pretoria hosted our first-ever VR Jam. Taking inspiration from Game Jams and Hackathons, teams of developers were given a topic and three days to create a VR experience that explored this topic in their own way.
From 13 – 15 September 2019 we at the Multimedia Department at the University of Pretoria hosted our first-ever VR Jam. Taking inspiration from Game Jams and Hackathons, teams of developers were given a topic and three days to create a VR experience that explored this topic in their own way. Teams were given access to HTC Vive Pro headsets, high-end PCs to power them, and lots of pizza and snacks to power them through the weekend.
The topic for this VR Jam was: “Anything but first-person”. The result of the weekend was three games that explored this topic in very different ways. The judging panel was comprised of one representative each from University of Pretoria, Vega, 5DT, and InsideData Pty Ltd. The winning group went home with R5000.
We would like to thank our sponsors for the event:
Do you want to push your art skills to the limit by using them in 3D? Or maybe just want to spend some time drawing/playing/messing around in VR?
The Multimedia Virtual Reality and Interaction (VRI) Lab is hosting a competition for all undergraduate Multimedia students to use Google Tilt Brush to create 3D artworks in Virtual Reality. The competition will take place from 13 – 17 May everyday between 9:30 and 15:30, except Friday which will only run until 13:30, at the VRI lab (IT 4-62).
If you’ve never heard of Tilt Brush, check out the video below.
You will have a maximum of 50 minutes to create your artwork. This includes the time needed to acquaint yourself with the tools as well as the actual drawing time.
Sign up for the competition by booking a slot here. Use your name, surname, and student number when making a booking.
Each person may only book 1 slot. We have capacity to host three people at a time.
You may share your slot with 1 other person (if, for example, both of you want to try it out but you don’t want to book a full slot each). In this case, only 1 person makes the booking on the Doodle and neither can make another booking later.
The department has the right to use your artwork for future marketing purposes.
The artworks will be judged by the Multimedia Department and the creator of the best artwork will receive R50 3D printing credit and their sculpture will be exhibited on the Multimedia blog.
How do I enter?
Just book a slot on this link. Your booking is your competition entry.
What is 3D printing credit?
This credit can be used to make 3D prints using the system available to all multimedia students at
How can I prepare for the competition ahead of time?
Watch YouTube videos on Tilt Brush and try to learn the layout of the controls. Also look at existing Tilt Brush artworks (such as these) for inspiration.
Do I have to be good at drawing to do this?
No, although it would probably help you a bit. You just need to be creative. It’s a great experience and definitely worth trying out even if you don’t win.