IMY 774 | Extended reality experience projects (2024)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Extended Reality experience.

Bounce was created by Michael Tarr using Unity

Merensky Library AR was created by Ross Tordiffe using Unity

Astrum VR was created by Cameron Brammer using Unity

Benchpress VR was created by Dhairiya Chhipa using Unity

VR Ping Pong was created by Jackie Huang using Unity

ArchVisVR was created by Tayla Orsmond using Unreal Engine

CS Curriculum Visualiser was created by Rida Darwish using Unity

IMY 774 | Virtual reality experience projects (2023)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.

Tidying Up was created by Kiara Jaimungal for using Unreal Engine

Baking Me Crazy was created by Ayla Inggs using Unity

Trapped was created by Chanel Mulder using Unity

Distraction Room was created by Andrea Blignaut using Unity

VR Diski was created by Tshegofatso Sithole using Unity

Wackem was created by Ruan Lombaard using Unity

Out of Hand was created by Stewart Coetzee using Unreal Engine

World Forge was created by Thabang Matlala using Unity

Escape Room: The Pirate King was created by Thashil Naidoo using Unreal Engine

IMY 300 | Game Design Projects (2022)

For their year project, IMY 300 students have to create a fully-realised digital game. Thanks to 24 Bit Games for sponsoring the project-day prizes!

High Tide won first place in the 2022 final-year expo.

Group name: Not A Tree
Game name: High Tide
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Naderah Limbada
  • Paul Mouton
  • Charl Volschenk

HER won second place in the 2022 final-year expo.

Group name: Femme Fatales
Game name: HER
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Andrea Blignaut
  • Angela Goodhead
  • Ayla Inggs
  • Kiara Jaimungal

Euphony won third place in the 2022 final-year expo.

Group name: Reign Network
Game name: Euphony
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Ruan Lombaard

Group name: Segmentation Cult
Game name: Wild North
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Caleb Groeneveld
  • James Lake
  • Francois Viviers
  • Zelda Wiese

Group name: 3Minute Noodles
Game name: Raziel Rising
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Dharshan Moodley
  • Mayur Pillay
  • Matthew Reed

Group name: Poise
Game name: Symbol Miner
Technology: Unity
Group members:

  • Moloko Magwai

IMY 774 | Virtual reality experience projects (2021)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.

VR Snowcase experience was created by Rhodeen Davies for the Oculus Quest using Unreal Engine

Rush Hour was created by Jaedon Heger for the Oculus Quest using Unity

Outlook was created by Bevan Holborn for mobile VR and a 3D-printed headset using Unity

The Hunt was created by Jason Louw for the HTC Vive using Unity

Escape Room was created by Duncan Oosthuizen for the Oculus Quest using Unity

IMY 774 | Virtual reality experience projects (2020)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.

Cat Shop was created by Olivia de Kok using Unity

Neck Deep in the Woods was created by Nina Erasmus using Unity

VR Sky Adventure was created by Caleb Linden using Unity

VR Jam 2019

From 13 – 15 September 2019 we at the Multimedia Department at the University of Pretoria hosted our first-ever VR Jam. Taking inspiration from Game Jams and Hackathons, teams of developers were given a topic and three days to create a VR experience that explored this topic in their own way.

From 13 – 15 September 2019 we at the Multimedia Department at the University of Pretoria hosted our first-ever VR Jam. Taking inspiration from Game Jams and Hackathons, teams of developers were given a topic and three days to create a VR experience that explored this topic in their own way. Teams were given access to HTC Vive Pro headsets, high-end PCs to power them, and lots of pizza and snacks to power them through the weekend.

The topic for this VR Jam was: “Anything but first-person”. The result of the weekend was three games that explored this topic in very different ways. The judging panel was comprised of one representative each from University of Pretoria, Vega, 5DT, and InsideData Pty Ltd. The winning group went home with R5000.

We would like to thank our sponsors for the event:

We would also like to thank everyone who participated and stayed up late to create awesome VR experiences!

Proudly hosted by the VRI Lab:

IMY 774 | Virtual reality experience projects (2019)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.

Alien Implosion was created by Ray Leong using Unity

Neon Shooter was created by Kyle Oosthuizen using Unity

VR Bowling Turkeys was created by Takalani Sigama using Unity

Dr Strange was created by Marcel Myburg using Unity

Hunter Simulator was created by Kimi Beyl using Unity

Hammer Time was created by Monté Bouwer using Unity

Elemental Batting Defender was created by Golekane Thipe using Unreal Engine

Jumping Keys was created by Johanni van der Merwe using Unity

Sports Four VR was created by Nico Devonport using Unity

IMY 774 | Virtual reality experience projects (2018)

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience.


VR Airship was created by Ian Richter using Unity


VR Duck’n’Dive was created by Migael Hartzenberg using Unity


Forest Lumina was created by Celia Yeung using Unity


VR Skiing was created by Grant Smith using Unity


Refleqtion was created by Janko Lilje using Unity


FlyEx-VR was created by Keanan Jones using Unity


Tiki Island was created by Leandri Viviers using Unity


VR Jungle Gym was created by Janeen Bredenkamp using Unity

Conveyer Belt of Awesome

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience

Conveyer Belt of Awesome was created by Rowan Scherzinger using Unity.

Biosphere Beyond

For their Semester Project, IMY 774 students had to create an interactive Virtual Reality experience

Biosphere Beyond was created by Mariaan Nienaber using Unity.